

Commissioned Officer In Indian Armed Forces : An Excellent Career Option
  • We, at ‘AshiiAstrix Group Of Education’ are a team of retired Army Officers, who have vast experience as independent assessment in SSBs (Service Selection Boards), in the capacity of Interviewing Officer (IO); Group Testing Officer (GTO) & Psychologists (Psych) respectively.
  • As a Student, you have aspirations and dreams, of what your education will finally yield…. an excellent career ie what the job offers in totality. Some of the attributes that go into making a career excellent are:
    • rofessional Advancement .
    • Job Satisfaction.
    • Job Security
    • Economic Stability
    • Social Status
    • Quality of Life
    • Variety and Adventure

    If these are what you too are looking forward to, then Armed Forces is the profession for you. One can join the armed forces as commissioned officer both after school (NDA entry, only boys) and after graduation (CDS, TGC, NCC, AFCAT, INET entries etc both for male & female candidates).

  • At AshiiAStrix Group Of Education, we have a SSB module which is delivered for a deep and most comprehensive insight into SSB. The program is tailored and designed to facilitate candidate understand and practice Tasks/ Tests. Training at AshiiAStrix allows candidates to:
    • Understand key leadership qualities/traits and their effectiveness.
    • Learn ‘Concept of Average Officer in Armed forces’.
    • Get Evaluated and Receive Feedback on their present levels of Leadership Qualities.
    • Identify and understand inadequacies/short-comings and take necessary actions to improve.
    • Provide opportunities to candidates to learn to manifest and develop Leadership Qualities, being assessed in SSB.
    • We work with candidates on developing important competencies: *Ability to understand problem/situation; *Evolving a workable solution; *Correct prioritization and optimal resource utilization; *Effective listening and logically communicating views/ideas.
  • Comprehensive training in real time testing conditions of Services Selection Board…. test & practice including Screening Test; Individual Interviews, Outdoor Tasks for GTO and Psychological Tests etc.
  • “An officer in a family transforms the lives of future generations and changes the life style of his/her family”