NEET Two Year

Two Year integrated course for NEET (before result)
Starting from : 3 rd week of March / Second week of April / May 2023 ending on January 2025.
Session 1 (Class 11) : in the year-1 (Class 11) the course continue till January 2024.They shall then rejoin March end / 1 st week of April.
In year-2 (class 12) end January 2025.
After Result : Starting from 2nd week of June 2023 ending on January 2025
1 st year course for class 12 studing student.
Starting from : 3 rd week of March / Second week of April / May 2023
Ending on January 2024 : Frequency of classes and timing : 3-4 days in a week (4 hrs in a day)